My Sayings and Quotes
''Am I broken? Absolutely! I'm just careful with what kind of glue I use!''
''I'd rather have horns holding up my halo, because I'm in my truth!''
''Don't be a good person just to get a spot in Heaven, be a good person because it's just who you are!''
''I am a Cerebral Palsy Princess!''
''I feel like the sap of my Family Tree''
''I may have trouble holding your hand, but NEVER your heart!''
''I'd rather glow like the moon, than shine like the sun, because sunglasses dim the shine while you see your TRUE glow''
''Everyone washes their laundry, but they can still have stains! You have the choice to try to get the stain out, live with the stain, or throw it out!''
''Your Darkness can be just as beautiful as your Light!''
''I've already been through HELL, so, I need need to create my own HEAVEN!''
''Poetry is tears that hit the paper!''
‘’I’d rather be a basket case because I can rearrange it to make room for more things to come’’
‘’Please don’t dance in my rain’’
‘’The ‘’fer’’ is dead’’
‘’Sometimes, my world gets so dark that the spark I create, gives me the light I need’’
‘’I talk a lot of shit without knowing my shit!’’
‘’I communicate through pink and black, but my heart beats pink’
‘’My rain is insane!’’
‘’I don't manipulate, I just try to get what I need''
My ability to love hasn’t come from Jesus, it comes from what I’ve been through’’
You know that saying, ‘’you can’t have your cake, and eat it too’’? Oh, yes, I can. I’m the one who baked it!
‘’Confession Booths are ‘’shamed prayers’’
‘’It’s my job to teach, but never to educate’’
‘’My body is my temple that was preyed on, not prayed on’’
‘’Live like there is no God’’
‘’Why do we have understand someone to accept them?’’
‘’Instead of asking for help, sometimes, I just ‘’OW!’’ my way through things’’
‘’I try really hard not to cry ‘’over spilled milk,’’ but I definitely will over chocolate milk’’
‘’If you bring me the rain, I will bring the thunder each time''
‘’I will defend you and your name behind your back’’
‘’I was social distancing long before COVID!’’
‘’Sometimes, the answer is from within you, not from other sources’’
‘’My life is on repeat, there is no ‘’brand new’’ day for me’’
‘’Even though it’s Jesus Christ’s birthday on Christmas Day, we get the presents!’’
‘’While society fights to be right, I fight for acceptance’’
‘’Religious faith is not based on factual truth, it’s based on the belief that it’s true’’
‘’I can turn my cooties into cuties’’
‘’My silence is to help me, and not to hurt you’’
‘’I’m tired of missing you’’
‘’Even through all the hate towards me, I continue to love you’’
‘’I love being naive, because it’s being done through innocence, not through ignorance’’
‘’Sometimes, being ‘’right’’ doesn’t make you smart, it makes you ignorant, because there’s nothing wrong with being ‘’wrong’’. Sometimes, owning that you’re wrong, is what makes you smart’’
‘’I’m a human truth serum!’’
‘’It’s said that God created ‘’free will,’’ but why do we have to be victims of that ‘’free will’’?
‘’My Sunday is my ‘’Son’’day!’
‘’Oh, I suck? I’ll grab a straw’’
‘’I’m wasted space? At least the space is filled!’’
‘’Pluto and I have something in common:
Pluto is furthest from the sun, while
I’m furthest from the Son’’
‘’While you let your Light shine, you can let your Darkness glow’’
‘’The only way my Dad will ever walk on water is if it’s frozen’’
‘’My family knows Jennifer, but they don’t know ME…Jenni’’
‘’I die to live’’
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